VBS 2009: Forgiveness: the Key to the Kingdom

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Day 2: the Forgiving Fugitive

Today's story was of David, the future king of Israel. When David was a young boy, he would tend to his father's sheep, playing his harp and singing God's praises. One day, King Saul sent message that he wanted David to play for him. Soon, David became one of his armor-bearers.

Saul was very pleased with David. That is, until David's highly-praised victory over the giant Philistine, Goliath. People were singing praises to David instead of Saul, which made him furious. Jealously burned in Saul's heart and he decided that David must die. David fled but Saul pursued him relentlessly. While being pursued, David had chances to kill King Saul, but both times spared Saul's life. Saul was humbled and said, "You are more righteous than I. You have treated me well, but I have treated you badly." (1 Samuel 24:17). Saul later died in battle. When he heard about it, David wept, and later became king of the Israelites.

This story depicts true mercy and forgiveness. While being pursued by King Saul, David could have taken revenge and killed Saul to assume the throne. But he spared Saul's life after the opportunity presented itself twice. He wouldn't stand against Saul because Saul was God's appointed king of Israel.

Daily Prayer

"Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven."

1 Timothy 2:4: [God] wants all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth."


42 Registered
36 in Attendance

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