VBS 2009: Forgiveness: the Key to the Kingdom

Monday, July 6, 2009

VBS 2009 is underway!

A huge welcome to all the children and volunteers for this year's VBS program! As we kick off our week together, we are excited to learn about this year's theme, "Forgiveness: the Key to the Kingdom". Join us as we explore five powerful examples of forgiveness from the Bible; God's forgiveness of us and our forgiveness of each other.

Day 1: the Mistreated Dreamer

Jacob had twelve sons, and the youngest was named Joseph. Jacob loved Joseph very much, and gave him a grand present, a beautiful multicoloured coat. His older brothers were furious with jealousy. When Joseph told them about his dreams, the ones where his older brothers were bowing down to him, this made them even more livid. They plotted against him. One day they planned to kill him, but instead decided to sell him to some Ishmaelites for 20 silver pieces. They took his beloved coat, smeared it with animal blood, and brought it home to Jacob, claiming Joseph had been killed by a wild animal.

Meanwhile, Joseph was sold into slavery to a man named Potiphar, an officer in the courts of Pharoah. He served Potiphar faithfully and proved to be a great blessing to Potiphar's household.
But when Potiphar's wife lied against Joseph, he was thrown into prison. After several years, Pharoah was plagued by bad dreams. Joseph was released from prison and brought before him to translate these dream; a premonition of a terrible drought that would destroy Egypt. Proving himself reliable and trustworthy, Joseph was made Governor of Egypt, second only to the Pharoah himself.

When the drought hit Egypt, neighbouring Canaan was also badly affected. Some Canaanites travelled to Egypt in search of food. They begged the Governor of Egypt for some food to take back to Canaan. They bowed down at his feet and pleaded. When Joseph saw them, he immediately recognized them as his 10 older brothers but they did not know who he was.

These were the brothers who had taken Joseph from his home, his family, sold him into slavery. Joseph had every right to throw his treacherous brothers into prison or have them executed. But he forgave them. He said to them, "What you meant for evil, God meant for good to accomplish what is now being done; the saving of many lives." What an amazing example of forgiveness.

Daily Prayer

"Our Father, who art in Heaven. Hallowed be Thy name."

2 Corrintheans 6:18: "I will be a Father to you, and you will be My sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty."

Prison Fellowship Canada: Angel Tree

This year's mission project is Prison Fellowship Canada. The PFC's mission is to challenge, equip, and serve the body of Christ in its ministry to prisoners, ex-prisoners, their families and victims, and to promote the advancement of restorative justice. The PFC's Angel Tree Ministries connect with families and children of inmates. Check out the PFC's website for more information.


37 Registered
30 in Attendance

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